1 de agosto de 2011

Rio de Janeiro: Sfiha at Largo do Machado

There is a small rotisserie restaurant in Largo do Machado that is known for its sfihas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sfiha). It is said that people cross the whole city just to have them for lunch. I guess I wouldn`t go so far just to eat one of them, but if you`re around Largo do Machado, it`s a good place to have a break and eat something quickly before continue visiting the city.
The restaurant is called Rotisseria Sírio-Libanesa (www.rotisseriasl.com.br/).
Each sfiha costs R$ 3,00 (in July 2011) and you can easily eat 3 or 4 of them.
They also serve tasty meals but available tables are usually rare, although you can eat at the counter too.

Rotisseria Sírio-Libanesa do Largo do Machado 

Address: Largo do Machado, 29, Lojas 16 a 19
Phone: (21) 2557-2377 / 2205-2047
How to get there:
- By subway: go to Largo do Machado Station and exit to the Square ("praça"). Just cross the busy street and look for Galeria Condor (see photo below).
- By bus: if you can, find out in the confusing system of the City Bus Company, which buses go to Largo do Machado (http://www.rioonibus.com/guia_de_itinerarios/index.asp). I usually prefer to get the complete list and use the 'search' function of the browser. 
Galeria Condor
Extra tip for girls: at the second floor of Galeria Condor, there are a couple of fashion shops with the cool Rio style dresses and shoes. 

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